Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Yeay!i'm bored!

Oke!saya mulai bosan di liburan hari kee 1,2,3.....yak hari ke 9 ini :( pengen ke manaaaa gitu!pengennya sih ke bali, mumpung deket dari bali juga ini..tapi kayanya emang ga bakal kemana-mana deh :(( kemarin sih sempet ke jember, tapi cuman nyari lampu dinding buat kamar,next ke gramedia, trus pulang deh..hoaaah, aku bosen!tapi ga mau liburannya udahan, ntar aku balik jogja lagi berarti!auouuuuuooooh........!!!

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Whoever you are, I ♥ You Bunda!

Hari ini tepat tanggal 22 Desember 2010 adalah hari ibu :) udah pada ngucapin kan ya!yang ngambek-ngambek sama ibunya http://www.smileycodes.info cepet minta maaf gih sana! tapi jangan di artiin mentang-mentang hari ini hari ibu dan besok ngga, trus kalian ngambek lagi atau marah lagi deh..tiap hari tu hari ibu kok, mungkin hari ibu di tetapin tanggal 22 desember itu cuman sebagai simbolis aja, biar kita inget terus sama ibu kita :) betul tidaak?ahahaaha :D

Hari ini semua situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Y!m dll pasti membahas tentang hari ibu..
ehehee aku juga sempet iseng-iseng nge-capture ucapannya nissa nih di status Y!m nya 

ihiiihii bagus-bagus nissa kreatip! http://www.smileycodes.info
Hari ini aku juga ngga lupa dong ngucapin ke ibuku http://www.smileycodes.info . Aku ngasi foto" dalam bentuk video gitu, trus di kasi lagunya "Bunda-Melly goeslow", hasilnya lumayan sih ngga jelek-jelek amat, dan hasil jerih payahku bikin sampe begadang ternyata ngga sia-sia,pas hari ini aku kasih liat ibuku, videonya berhasil membuatnya menangis terharu, dan memelukku sambil berkata "Makasih ya dek, maaf kalo ibun banyak salah" :'( dan itu juga berhasil membuatku berkaca-kaca http://www.smileycodes.info  

ini video yang aku buat

Tahun lalu aku juga ngasi sesuatu ke ibuku, aku,mba ka,mba qn, ngasi buku sama kartu ucapan, kaya gini nih:

I ♥ You Bunda
I ♥ You more than everything!

Aku sayang ayahku juga loh, jadi :

I ♥ You too Ayah
I ♥ You more than everything!

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

I Love This Year!

Aku akuin aku suka tahun ini, banyak kejadian yang nggak bisa aku lupain. meskipun tahun ini juga banyak bencana yang menimpa indonesia, tetapi itu juga yang menambah kesan di tahun ini. aku bisa bilang gitu karena aku ngerasain salah satu bencana trsebut, aku di jogja saat merapi meletus, aku ngerasain gimana tegangnya keadaan di sana, tapi sampai akhirnya aku ngungsi juga ke banyuwangi :p eheheee abisnya ngga tenang sih di sana :(

Ok back to the topic..
hmmmm,alasanku suka tahun ini sih karena... :
mulai bulan januari ya :)
Di awal tahun 2010 aku ngerayain tahun baru di hotel ketapang indah, di sana ada party setiap malam tahun baru sama firework kalo uda jam 00.00...fun banget di sana :) apalagi ada, kalo kata dyah ==> something stupid in the morning :D ahahaa *emboh opo kui?*
dan di bulan ini juga tepatnya tanggal 12 januari aku berumur 15, aku ngerayain ultah di rumah aja sama temen2ku..dan yang paling buat berkesan, aku di kado dengan bungkusan yang gede banget dan berat, awalnya sih mikirnya apaaan gitu ya yang bagus bagus..eeeh ternyata setelah di buka isinya daun, sendal jepit, uang 2000, boneka2 kertas, sama yang membuat berat yaitu batu segede apaan tau -_-'..But THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS itu yang ngebuat aku inget terus sama kalian :) kado paling berkesan i've ever got :*

Di bulan februari kayanya nothing special atau akunya yang lupa?? :p

Bulan maret aku UAN ==>dan itu sangat-sangat membuatku setres http://www.smileycodes.info

Bulan april pengumuman kelulusan, daan alhamdulillah aku luluuuuuus!dengan nem 36 tidak terlalu bagus sih, tapi alhamdulillah rata-rata 9 :)

Bulan mei!yaaaaay i love this month, pada tanggal 1 mei lalu aku ketemu pacarku loooh di adi sucipto airport ehehee afgan ganteng banget sumpah http://www.smileycodes.info di bulan ini pertama kalinya aku ketemu afgan (if you want to know how the story and feelings, you can read my post in may "Story of berburu afgan" and in december post is "The handsome one i've ever met") bulan ini bulan yang paling ngga bisa aku lupain http://www.smileycodes.info

Next bulan juni, bulan ini aku perpisahan sama temen-temen smp http://www.smileycodes.info tapi nien ngga bisa dateng ke perpisahan sekolah, karena harus ngurusin calon sekolahku yang baru di jogja, jadi musti bolak balik :'(

Di bulan juli, aku uda mulai masuk sekolah, aku ketrima di SMA Int Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta, di hari pertama mos aku cuman kenal Tina sama Alya...lalu 2 hari setelah mos aku mengenal makhluk yang bernama Anissa Amalia Sofika dan Dyah Ayu Probowati http://www.smileycodes.info . Uda pada tau belum yang namanya Anissa Amalia?kalo belum ini nih fotonya ( http://anissa-amalia.blogspot.com )

Kalo yang namanya Dyah Ayu yang ini nih : ( http://dyah-probo.blogspot.com )

Hihiihi..ngga tau kenapa aku bis nyangkut sama dua makhluk ini???http://www.smileycodes.info ohoooho, tapi makasih loh kalian udah berhasil buat aku ketawa terus http://www.smileycodes.info hhahaaa

Agustus, September??hhhmmm?

Bulan Oktober, tepatnya tanggal 5-9 aku pergi ke malaysia n singapore dengan sekolah dan teman-teman (cerita dan fotonya bisa di baca di postingan bulan november "What the fucking amazing trip" dan di bulan desember "Field Trip Malay-S'pore" )

November?i think nothing special in this month?? -.-'

December = bulan prihatin :( ya, kaya yang aku bilang di awal postingan ini, banyk banget bencana yang menimpa indonesia di bulan ini, mulai dari bencana kecil sampe besar. mulai banjir, badai, gempa, sampe tsunami mentawai, meletusnya gunung merapi, dan lain lain :( Semoga tahun yang akan datang tidak ada lagi bencana-bencana yang lainnya,dan semoga indonesia bisa bangkit kembali dan lebih baik lagi http://www.smileycodes.info amin!

Dyah dan wajah abstraknya :D

Yaaaak, foto ini akan menghiasi postingan saya yang ke 11 pada bulan ini..hahaha http://www.smileycodes.info
baguuus kan bagus kan!http://www.smileycodes.info
maaf ya dyah fotomu aku publish, abisnya layak untuk di abadikan e :p tapi aku uda ijin too ya http://www.smileycodes.info

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

That should be me-cover by me :)

my new cover, that should be me-justin bieber :)

maaf di tengah-tengah ada lirik yang agak belibet :p ehehhee

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

make up fantasy? :O

yeah!that is our face after "dicorat-coret" dengan face deco:D

What i did tonight?

Nothing that I did tonight, hours are shown at 12 am, and slightly longer length needle moving, day will be different. 
I was a test tomorrow, but I do actually play on the internet. I don't know what value will I get if I didn't learn it later today?

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

I miss them so bad :')


I miss when they're made me laugh
I miss when they're made me smile
I miss when they're made me strong
but sometimes
I miss when they're made me angry
I miss when they're made me sad
I miss when they're made me cry

They're my best friends, who don't always make me laugh, happy, or excited, but they also made me sad, and cry. But that's between us meaningful, friendships are not always flat.

I miss you 9b, which will not be a former friend of mine, but it will be my friends forever ..
You always in my heart guys!

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

The handsome one i've ever met!

It was the first time i met Afgansyah Reza(he is a famous singer in indonesia, he have a good voice, good appearence, and very good looking.)!before i met him,i felt so nervous until the dying PUP or BAB :p
At first, I was afraid that if he wasn't friendly, but my guess was wrong! he was very friendly, nice, and very very handsome! MySpace

A whole new world cover by me!

I suggest you to don't see it! can broke your ears MySpace and eyes MySpace .. hahhaa
actually I just made this video just for fun, bad vibrations, sounds broken, but with confidence I enter this into the youtube ..Well, lucky for those of you who don't listen to it ohohohoo :O

Just The Way You Are

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Field Trip malay-spore

At merlion s'pore

at universal studio

orchard road

dataran pahlawan malaysia

Putrajaya KL

Twin tower

NEWater S'pore 

My friends face x_x

 Wajah nggilani teman-temanku!ahahaaa (black and white ya??) MySpace
 ohoooho gimana?cantikkan! MySpace

Minggu, 28 November 2010

What the fucking amazing trip? *part1*

About a month ago, i went to malay and singapore for field trip.. my friends are joined in that study tour is Dyah, Anissa A, Anisa T, Vania, Salfa, and Rizka ..

date 5 at 10am
We were told for gathered at the Adi Sutjipto Airport, we were given directions on what to do when we take care of departure.
We take off at about 11am, cause this is my first experience on a plane, so i little "ndeso" and little scared, hmmm or i meant "parno" :p ehehee...
In the plane i sat with dyah(i'm sorry dyah, if i noisy :p), and mr.deni. About 2 hours, we arrived in KL Airport. During in malaysia and singapore we go around by bus, our tour guide in malaysia named mimi.
Our first destination is Putrajaya. we surround putrjaya, then stopped at the mosque for prayer duhur. Putrajaya is very clean, and very orderly. In there i saw something unique, there are many tree-shaped boxes, traffic lights that looks crooked,and the malay language that might sounds little strange cause we're language are little same.
After visit putrajaya, we went to sakura restaurant for dinner. In there we given a lot of food,one by one food came but we can't spent that food, cause it too much for indonesian people hahhaaa :p
After our stomach filled with lots of food, we felt full and we are tired, so we went straight to the hotel.
Named of our hotel is citin. Initially i thought this hotel is bad, saw that less strategic place, and a small lobby. "G' apa lah cuman semalem ini juga -_-' " <== I told myself. 
A few minutes later the room keys are distributed, and alhamdulillah, i was one room with Nissa. Cause we're tired, we decided to get into the room. When it was in front of the room, i quickly put the key and opened it, and you know what my reaction? yes I'm bemused!!not like what i thought!the room is nice, simple,and not too much furniture in there. I like this room, especially for the wall.

this is the wall of our room (me with riska)

Narsis with salma, nissa, sate, and, dyah 

After "narsis-narsisan" we got ready for bed, and gathered energy for tomorrow. 

date 6 
At about 5am (malaysian time), we woke up!
we took a bath, grooming, and packing..After all packed, we went out to  the lobby. 
We went down to the floor one use elevators! yaak, the elevator doors open! and what we found?lobby is still quiet ()-__-') no one in there, there was only receptionist who looks tired and sleepy :p.
Because we was already down, we decided just to wait. few minutes later we seen mr.aan out of the elevator, he was one of our teachers. He will go the way of the road in the morning, we finally joined the streets. In KL at 5 am still very dark and quiet, unlike when the eastern part of Java any more, at 5 am was like at 7 am.

this atmosphere of KL at 5 am 
Along the way, we only saw those arabs, who are started their routine activities. We also saw the twin tower and KL tower!

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Our Simple Holiday :)

Yeaaay, today is exhausting day, buuut veeeery enjoyable MySpace

Ya, i had a quality time wiff my fam today :) not a luxurious holiday, but only a simple holiday..
*Simple holiday yang kumaksud itu, kita bisa mendapatkan liburan yang menyenangkan dan murah, tetapi juga mendapatkan *setidaknya sedikit* ilmu,juga menemukan pemandangan2 yang tidak akan kita temukan di kota..* <== apa deh

Langsung aja ya :)
Tempat pertama yang kami kunjungi yaitu cafe "gunung gumitir"..disana ada karaoke, ATV, Flaying Fox, Berkuda, dan lain lain..
Tetapi kami lebih memilih naik kereta kelinci :p, kereta itu akan membawa kami berkeliling-keliling, melihat kebun kopi, dan terowongan kereta api.
"Grubak, grubak, grubak, grubak" hahaaha kira2 begitulah suara kereta kelincinya, bukan kereta yang Tuut Tuut Tuuut loh hehee...

Ok, kembali ke inti cerita :)

Sekitar 15menit kami berkeliling, kami di berhentikan di tempat semula kami naik..
Setelah puas melihat pemandangan sekitar, we felt hungry :p finally, we ordered some food and we waited for our food to came.

         tik tok tik tok tik tok
3minuts left   ==> masi sabar MySpace
         tik tok tik tok tik tok
10minuts left ==> hmmmm*ketuk-ketuk meja" MySpace
         tik tok tik tok tik tok
15minuts left ==> *celingak ceinguk nyari pelayannya* MySpace
         tik tok tik tok tik tok
16 minuts left ==> ibun : "Maas,  MySpace kq pesenannya g' dateng-        dateng??                                lama banget yaa??
                            mas pelayan : "aah eeh, iya bentar saya cek bentar" cepet2
                            kedapur dengan muka bingung hahahaa
         tik tok tik tok tik tok
18minuts left ==> huuuuft,MySpace akhirnya dateng juga..
Haap, haaap, haaap, haap..dengan sekejap makanan itu habis :) haaha padahal nunggunya lama, ngabisinnya cman 5-10 menitan :p

Alhamdulillah sudah sedikit kenyang *sedikit kenyang karena sepiring ber-3 ehehee jadinya g' kenyang2 amat*..
Karena udah mulai bosen, jadi kita ngelanjutin perjalanan lgii MySpace .
Hmmm, next perjalanan mu kmana ya??binguuung??

1st  Idea ==> Air terjun kemanten
2nd idea ==> Ke Jember
3rd idea ==> Margo utomo

Hmmm, setelah melalui perundingan yang lamaaa *lebay*, akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk ke pilihan 3 :D
Sebenarnya, margo utomo itu agro resort..tapi kita g' mau nginep kq,ehehee margo utomo tidak hanya menyediakan penginapan, mereka mempunyai peternakan sapi dan, saya g' tau ada apa lagi..hehee
Mereka tidak sekedar menernak sapi, mereka juga menjual susu murni hasil perahan.Sooo, dari pada uda ksana g' dapet apa2, akhirnya ibun membeli 5 bungkus susu :)
Setelah puas keliling peternakan sapi dan melihat2 resortnya, kami memutuskan untung pulang karena sudah merasa capek :)

Ok, segini dulu ya cerita kali ini...Thanks for reading guys :D